The VIP section was packed and spilled out onto the tables. Rico brought a bunch of sexy nurses with him (yes real nurses) who were a wild and crazy ...One of the fans bought all of us ladies a few rounds of drinks which he was thanked for by a few girls (xoxo)...Later every one sang happy birthday to Niki while she blew out the candles on her birthday cake....and I think someone got a lap dance that night...everyone else got free porn...the night was filled with amazing singers and some not so amazing, but that's karaoke for you...
My two drink limit of the night turned into too many more by the time I was done it was closing time, so a few of us headed around the corner to Bobs Big Boy (tony drove lol)...I didnt know that place still was around...we sat there until 530am...eating our really bad eggs and drinking our coffee...until i was sober enough to drive home (thanks guys).
If you have never been to Porn Star Karaoke on Tuesday nights at Sardos you must check it out. Hot servers, hot porn stars and all out fun people. They give away free porn too...
259 N Pass Ave
Burbank, CA 91505
Neighborhood: Burbank